At our clinic, we offer our patients several options and leave it to them to choose the services that resonate most with their belief system. Some of the services provided are:
Ear acupuncture is a powerful means of treating several of the body’s pathologies. Unlike whole-body acupuncture, with Ear Acupuncture, Patients usually go home with tiny ear needles (or seeds/magnets). This results in more sustained relief and also cuts down the number of office visits for the Patient. Because the needles are usually less than a millimeter long, most Patients don’t even feel them. However, we can treat different ear points with painless microcurrents using FDA-approved devices for those who don’t like needles.
At Buddha’s Prescription Clinic, our goal is always to unlock the Body’s innate healing capacity and minimize the dependence on an external Provider to achieve this goal. To facilitate this, we sometimes recommend prescription-quality supplements, Botanicals, and Essential oils. This combination of Acupuncture and Herbs/ Supplements usually results in faster recovery and fewer visits to our clinic. For example, we often recommend Turmeric for our Arthritis patients. This herb is complementary to Acupuncture and provides more potent and faster relief to our Patients. These recommendations are either based on the wisdom of Ayurveda or from the Evidence-based science of the West. When it comes to supplements, quality is everything. We only use Fullscript to recommend supplements and Botanicals. Fullscript is the largest online wholesale retailer of prescription-grade supplements. This ensures that our Patients get the best quality supplements at the best price. Patients can also rest assured that we don’t charge any commission from Fullscript for these recommendations, so all the savings are passed on to them.
Mind-body medicine is the most under-recognized healing modality in Western medicine. We have all heard the adage: Healthy Mind, Healthy Body. Yet only a little energy is spent on a provider visit to discuss this. We have all seen how headaches, colds, and flare-ups of illnesses usually arise during stress. While a diseased mind can give rise to a host of chronic diseases, it is equally true that a well-directed mind can bring miraculous health benefits. Although Acupuncture and botanicals are good at optimizing health, our mind’s healing ability is even greater. At Buddha’s Prescription our belief is also that “True Healing can only come from within.” To this end, we ensure that Patients are taught self-healing exercises at every visit so that they can take charge of their health and set off on their journey of realizing their true nature of immeasurable bliss.